- Subpoenas within county (twenty miles or less)
- Subpoenas outside county (more than twenty miles)
- Petition for Review
- List of Proposed Issues, Witnesses, and Exhibits
- Exhibit List for Hearings
- Declaration in Support of a Motion
Case Management System
Training Guides
- Navigating the CMS
- Viewing the Calendar
- Searching Cases
- Searching Orders
- Creating an Account and Logging In
- Filing an Appeal
- Adding Documents
Rules and Statutes
Revised Code of Washington (RCW)
Washington Administrative Code (WAC)
- Board Rules of Practice and Procedure WAC 461-08
Other Applicable Rules
Other Resources
Glossary of Terms
Continuance: A postponement of a hearing or other case deadline that delays or reschedules the date something is due to happen.
Date of receipt: The "date of receipt" of an order or decision is five business days after the date of mailing or the date of actual receipt, when the actual receipt can be proven by a preponderance of the evidence. The recipient's sworn affidavit or declaration indicating the date of receipt, which is unchallenged by the agency, shall constitute sufficient evidence of actual receipt. The date of actual receipt, however, may not exceed forty-five days from the date of mailing. Revised Code of Washington 90.58.210(4).
Declaration: A written statement that is signed and sworn to be true and correct under penalty of the perjury laws of the State of Washington.
Discovery: The process of exchanging information between parties before the hearing.
Dismissal: An order rejecting a petition or ending the case.
Exhibit: A document used as evidence in a motion or hearing that contains or shows information relevant to the facts of a case. Examples of exhibits include papers, letters, reports, photographs, receipts, maps, etc.
File: The process of delivering the original Petition for Review or other documents to the board.
Initial scheduling letter: A letter sent by the board to all the parties of a case soon after a Petition for Review is filed that sets up a prehearing conference, establishes other important dates for a hearing, and gives additional directions for the parties to follow.
Motion: A request from a party for the presiding officer or the board to do something in a case (for example, to make a ruling or take some action before the hearing). The board's rule that applies to motions is Washington Administrative Code 461-08-465.
Oral argument: A conference attended by all parties and the board (either in person or by telephone or video conference) where parties present and explain the reasons supporting their positions on a motion and respond to questions from the board.
Parties: The people, businesses, agencies, or other entities who file a Petition to Review, are named in a petition, or who are allowed to participate in a Petition to Review process.
Prehearing: A telephone or video conference meeting with the presiding officer and all parties (and/or their lawyers) to discuss the case, set the hearing schedule, and determine the legal issues in the petition.
Prehearing order: The document issued by the presiding officer after the prehearing that sets the hearing date and establishes the legal issues, deadlines, and other requirements that will govern the Petition for Review process.
Presiding officer: The administrative appeals judge or board member who conducts the hearing and all related conferences and regulates the course of the petition process.
Serve: The process of delivering a copy of a petition, board order, or other document to all the parties in a case. Service can be completed by personally delivering, mailing, or faxing the documents. Service also can be done electronically if the receiving party agrees to it. If mailed to the proper address and with adequate postage, a document is considered served on the date it is mailed. Electronic service is complete when the document is uploaded successfully.
Witness: A person who testifies at a board hearing under oath about facts and other information based on personal knowledge or experiences related to the case.